work life balance

Deconstructing the 12 Stages of Burnout

Understanding the stages of burnout is crucial in order to take proactive steps toward prevention and recovery. Join us on this enlightening journey as we dive into the 12 stages of burnout and empower ourselves to prioritize self-care and wellness.

Auto-generated transcript below. Please excuse any typos!

Which stage are you in and how do you ensure you get out of the cycle, the cycle of burnout? Yes, there are 12 stages it's not just that flat-out passed out in the hospital bed or the subway that is burnout there are 11 stages beforehand.

On this episode will be decoding all of the 12 stages for you giving you the science to avoid the later stages and tips on what to do next.

Stages 1 and 2: Excessive Ambition and Working Harder

Starting with the incomparable and amazing Audrey, thank you Vanessa, and thank you for hosting us as always, Vanessa is incredible at this. So we're going to cover, I'm going to cover stages one and two, my name is Audrey Holst I am the founder of Fortitude and Flow and the perfectionist archetypes which is something I'm going to reference in this first stage which is excessive ambition or the compulsion or need to prove yourself I tend to put this under the hero perfectionist archetype so you may find this in people that are willing to work harder than everybody else they don't complain they make it look easy they tend to take on things that are more than what is realistically reasonable and they don't even think about saying no, they just add stuff to their plate and, I know a lot of folks especially those who are really in caring and ambitious perfect professions just like the laws the lawyers that I work with are in this category.

So we start here and what happens is these folks tend to keep pushing themselves and essentially it ends up just amplifying. So, pushing themselves to work harder this becomes the inability to just turn it off right, work mode becomes the default mode so it can be difficult to prioritize in this place everything. Everything feels urgent it's like everything takes on this umbrella of feeling of urgency. Focus in general goes straight to work head down gets it done and there's a little space for other pursuits so this becomes a situation where people have more on their plate than what their plate actually allows for. Just from that description, we're only in stages one and two you can imagine that this is not a sustainable way to work in the long term.

Stages 3 and 4: Neglecting Personal Needs and Displacing Problems

Aileen take it away with the next stages - thank you so much, Audrey, hello my name is Aileen Axtmayer the founder of Aspire with Aileen, I'm a career coach and a corporate Wellness speaker helping people reduce stress and hopefully recover from burnout or prevent burnout in the first place, so I'm going to be talking about stages three and four which are neglecting personal care and needs as well as displacement of conflict. The displacement of personal or neglecting personal care and needs is sounds pretty self-explanatory but it's an important one to highlight because I think this is where we often will see more of the external signs and symptoms in our colleagues and our employees and potentially ourselves so when we take that prioritization of work like Audrey spoke about and it's that heads-down focus one of those common starting points is oh let me just stay up a little later or let me just grab that take out and then when we start to move towards more of that burnout mode, this becomes a significant and decrease in quality and quantity of sleep maybe not feeding ourselves nutrient-dense food, not moving our bodies so all these basic needs that in isolation we might say oh I didn't really work out that time but when we zoom out we can see a lot of them start to take a toll. 

When I work with my clients in this, I kind of draw a Venn diagram, it's like unaddressed work stress then you have less energy right when you're not managing stress and it's more of the distress and chronic physiological stress versus good stress or eustress when that's not addressed we start to have less energy to give and we have less energy, of course, we don't want to cook, no one goes for kale when they're feeling stressed out and then we get more of you know the comfort foods. That lends to the couch being extra comfortable, and then when we are sucked into that couch we don't want to move our bodies we also impact our sleep with those food and movement choices and then the whole thing perpetuates itself. We'll go to Kate to learn what happens when that cycle begins and or continues and what happens next.  

Stages 5 and 6: Revision of Values and the Growth in Shame

Hi, everybody, I'm Cait Donovan, and I work with organizations to do to reduce systemic burnout so they can keep top talent. I do this through keynotes and workshops.

Number five in the 12 stages of burnout is changing in values and we sort of alluded to this Audrey, alluded to this earlier when she was talking about this inability to turn off. Work is the priority, and work is always the priority nothing else is a priority even if those are not your internal values. This is really tricky so you have to start thinking that those are your values until you stop and really look at it. So by the time you come around to facing burnout, it feels as if it just happened without your permission as if you were not in the driver's seat this whole time and sometimes you're not for a moment. Right?

The red flags to look for here within your organization are inordinate amounts of late or early emails, people emailing all the time at 2 A.M and 10 p.m. This persona where the only thing this person can talk about is work. So they stop talking about their hobbies, they stop talking about their families there's nothing else going on in there. Also a frustration with other people who are not prioritizing work in the same way that they are, so this can create some toxicity between your teammates and between people. This is important to look out for that continues and we move on to stage six. Stage six is the denial of problems and the growth of shame. This is where my good friend, Negative Nancy comes in. I want to apologize to any super nice Nancies that might be out there this one in particular is negative in this stage there is cynicism, sarcasm, explosive reactions, and a sense of disconnect.

This is one of the stages that relates directly to the World Health Organization's definition of burnout. The red flags that I want you to look for here are interpersonal problems, toxic communication patterns, and overall changes in behavior to a more negative focus than was typical for this particular person.Moving on to cycle numbers seven and eight. I would love to leave you with Vanessa Zamy.

Stages 7 and 8: Social Withdrawal and Behavior Changes

Thank you, Cait, so hi there, I'm Vanessa Zamy known as the Business Defibrillator, I help business owners grow their businesses without burnout and I'm going to be connecting with you about stage seven and stage eight of burnout. So perhaps you're you know you're not taking care of your basic needs, your values are misaligned, you're attributing to that Negative Nancy that we just heard about and you're saying to yourself all right there's more, yes, there's more. So, number seven is the social withdrawal that sounds very obvious right, what is social withdrawal? When you withdraw from society, now the thing about it is, that there are subtle differences to this, right, because let's talk about introversion versus extroversion, you may say oh but that person's just an introvert they just prefer to be inward and like I'm just an introvert so that's why I'm not connecting with society. When it comes to burnout, how do you tell the difference? This is where you may either hear yourself or your colleague saying well you know I'm not able to go to that event because I have to work on that project or I can't make it I have this family thing very vague or I can't make it my dog needs help just all vague things but that's not necessarily the issue. The issue happens when you're repeatedly hearing these responses every weekend, every Saturday, every Sunday, every Friday, every Wednesday. It's you, they used to say yes, but now they just always seem to be something in the way.

As a business owner entrepreneur, an example of this would be when you're telling yourself or you're telling your friends oh I have this thing I gotta do for business every single weekend. Every group gathering you have something else you have to do right because here's the thing even introverts interact with people and so if you find yourself without any societal interactions then you are on stage seven.

Now stage eight is the obvious behavior changes. Now what this means is that you just act differently, I mean you literally just act differently not even just in society like a social going to events not going to events but other behavioral changes that were alluded to a little bit earlier as well when Aileen mentioned neglecting personal care and needs. That's one type of behavioral change, right? An example is one of my clients where, you know when we had to take a step back to say okay what is it that makes you feel good about yourself she noted that oh I used to swim when's the last time you swim I asked her oh about a year ago, you see how that, you know, works out there? 

And then today I was actually connected with somebody who has a non-profit right, non-profits are amazing she's had a non-profit for 11 years when I was speaking with her this is a potential client we'll see she becomes a client but essentially when I was connecting with her right I can tell the passion was gone. I can tell that she was no longer feeling passionate about the non-profit and she wasn't able to tell that for herself. And you may be in the stages where you're listening to us here today and you're saying to yourself oh I have been a little bit, oh yeah, yeah there's that thing I haven't been doing in a while hmm right? And so sometimes thinking about what is that passion that you need to reignite within yourself so that you can ensure that you're moving forward with the things that you need to with your values as Kate had mentioned or even with you know personal care or needs that you need to have to happen so that you continue back to the behavior change that actually suits you, not the behavior change that is actually harming you.

Stages 9 and 10: Depersonalization and Emptiness

Moving on to the 12 stages of burnout, next up we have Dr. Sandra. Hi everybody, I'm Dr. Sandra, a clinical psychologist, and personal energy strategist connecting you with those resources you need to make this journey from burnout to sustainable leadership and success whether that is an individual or a group, or an organization. So I'm going to pick up where Vanessa left off and talk a little bit more about what happens when you're now not doing what you need to do for yourself, no longer taking part in things that matter to you so much so that you get to the point that's called depersonalization. When you get to depersonalization I can tell you right now you're pretty deep into burnout, you're way down, you're sliding down that slippery slope. In depersonalization, you're not noticing your body anymore, you're failing to pay attention to your body signals at all. This is the person who goes to get a pair of pants from the closet and thinks they can still wear them but then they put them on and it's like, oh so like I really can't fasten these pants anymore. So they've spent months now eating too much not attending to themselves and now they're and they haven't even noticed that their body's gaining weight. Sometimes they also start to do things because they're sort of beginning to stay move towards numbing, they do things that actually will harm their bodies more than help their body. So this might be a little bit extra drinking, a little bit taking part in things that actually make the situation worse, and eventually end up in stage 10 which is called emptiness. This emptiness is actually a stage where it feels frightening because you now don't feel like you're quite alive anymore. You feel very drained and depleted and it's so scary that sometimes people will actually do things to try to make themselves feel alive. So sometimes that's a lot more sweet food, a lot more sex, a lot more drinking. So when you get to these stages, you can see that you're at the point where you actually really need some professional support. In the depersonalization stage, you're probably seeing some physical symptoms like you might have rashes, you might have pains that aren't going away. And by the time you get to this emptiness, you probably do have some significant physical symptoms. You're going to need a physician and you're going to need somebody who's a burnout expert to help you move through this.

Stages 11 and 12: Depression and Total Burnout Syndrome

And then we're going to switch over now and Dr. Sharon is going to tell you about these last two stages of the system that Freudenberger and North created. Thank you so much. Yes, I am Dr. Sharon Grossman, I am the Burnout Doc and I, as a keynote speaker and coach, work with really, really fried exhausted executives and their companies who want to stop freaking out or checking out and I help them rock out. So what we're going to talk about right now are these last two stages because you want to know how far this can go. Stage 11 is where you get to a point where you're just feeling depressed, and I get this question a lot sometimes people are wondering about the difference between depression and burnout so this is a really important stage for us to understand and to be able to pull apart.

Now I am a trained psychologist and so I've worked with people who have suffered from depression for many years and so if you just look at depression outside of burnout what we see is there's a change in appetite, there's a change in sleep that we tend to isolate ourselves more, we experience more of a sense of worthlessness, more inappropriate guilt over things. You might just have that feeling like you're walking through molasses, everything just takes so much more energy and it's really hard to motivate and get moving. And while that is depression in and of itself, it is actually in the later stages of burnout something that we can see.

So we see sometimes that you have both things happening at the same time. What does this mean for you if you are depressed but you're also having certain symptoms of burnout? Then you might be at this stage 11. The way that we can tell if they're both happening or if it's just depression or just burnout is that with burnout when we step away from the situation, it's easier for us to bounce back. But with depression, that doesn't happen. You can be completely removed from the situation and still feel depressed. So this is a big differentiator. 

Stage 12, this is our final stage. This is what is referred to as total burnout. So this is the end of the spectrum and unfortunately, it is very, very serious. So we need to think about it as such. This is where you no longer care about yourself or others. So in the same way that depression is a stage where you get to a point of hopelessness and oftentimes people who are severely depressed will say, "What's the point?" This is what we see often in that stage 12 of burnout. This is where you've just reached mental and physical collapse. You view your life as meaningless, and it really does require medical attention because oftentimes what we see is people become suicidal, they're at risk for suicide. So this is where if you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, then we really do encourage you to call 9-1-1, go to your nearest emergency room, and make sure that you get the help that you need so that you don't do something that is going to hurt yourself.

Um, and you know, I don't want to just leave us on this note because this is a very kind of depressing, speaking of depression, place to end. But really, the reason that we're here today to talk about all these stages is to alert you to how really significant and severe this can be. And now I think we're gonna also share with you what you can do if you are experiencing burnout. So I'm going to hand it back to our host Vanessa. So thank you, Sharon, for that, and thank you to our panelists here.

Questions for the Panel

A few questions have come up, right? So we had, we started out with, as you can, and hopefully everyone listening, right, you can see that yes, there are 12 stages, right? There are different pieces and components where burnout is not just you flat out. It's things little things here and there that happen to your psyche, to your physical way of being, to how you relate to yourself internally and externally, that really add up to eventually getting to that point where you are asking yourself, "What is the point?" And if you know someone who seems like they might be approaching that or if you yourself are approaching that, I hope you can see that there's a way out of it, right? There's not, you don't have to continue on the path towards all the 12 stages, and even if you end up at the 12th stage, you can still find your way out.

A question that I have here is, so Audrey, I mentioned something about, you know, excessive ambition and compulsion, and you know, people said they're pushing themselves to work harder and not being able to turn off. What are some tips that you may have or anyone on the panel may have for how people can effectively say no?

Yeah, it's an excellent question, and I think also folks should reference the panel that we did last month because there are some really good tips and tricks. And I mean tips and tricks, to put it lightly, right? This is something that you can't just take one trick and all of a sudden you're like, "Yeah, cured!" You know, like this is something that is an embodiment in the nervous system. I think that maybe as you can listen to each of the stages going deeper, you're realizing that it's not just like a mental thing, it's also a body thing. Once the body starts getting deeper and deeper into this, it becomes harder and harder to pull it out on the other side.

So, creating awareness is the biggest thing here. If you have no idea that you even have the option to say no or that you are pushing past a limit, you have to start recognizing limits, you have to start recognizing needs, you have to start recognizing the fact that, "Oh, what does it mean to be taking on too much?" or "What does it mean to be having compulsive ambition?" These are things that require some awareness before you can actually address them. So, just starting to create some noticing. When I use the framework, the forward student flow framework, it's noticed that is number one because you can't create change until you've actually paid attention. I'm sure other people have plenty of things to say about this topic.

Yes, love it. Anyone else on the panel would like to add on tips on how to, on that person who's facing that perfectionism, in a sense, right? I think that's the perfectionist archetype is what Audrey had alluded to. Right ways that they can, you know, embrace because perfectionism is not necessarily bad. It's not horrible, you know, it's just more so, you know, it can be harmful in this scenario, but it's not terrible, no. If there's a neurosurgeon that's operating on my brain, like please be a perfectionist. So, there are places where perfectionism is highly necessary. The question becomes, is the place where you're applying it right now highly necessary? Is it really that highly necessary?

But for me, before we get to saying no effectively, we have to break down why we avoid saying no in the first place. If, for instance, really commonly with clients, I hear that they're not saying no to people because they don't want to disappoint anyone. If you have a major fear of disappointing people, I can give you all sorts of scripts for how to say no to things, but you're not going to use them. So, I think what we need to do before we start saying no, before we give people the words to say, is to pull apart where is this striving coming from, where is this really happening in your body and in your persona, what's going on here? So that we can unwind it and create space for you to be able to not even then get to having to say no because you're not saying yes in the first place, right?

So, I like this idea of internal boundaries, where we're looking at, especially in my work, we're looking at resentment, seeing where it's built up, and then pulling ourselves out of those situations that aren't even requiring or asking for our help. That's not stating a no boundary, it's just not over participating in things that aren't asking for you. Foreign good point.

Yes, so next question for the crowd here while we wrap up. So, we talked about a few things that we came up with when, you know, Aileen or even when I was mentioning just the idea that you then reach a stage where you're not doing things as you used to do. So, whether that be neglecting personal care overall or maybe not eating well or at all, or neglecting things that you like to do, whether it is swimming or even just things that you're passionate about. So, any advice here from the panel on how does one bring those things back? Right, let's say someone is listening and they're at that place where they have stopped doing stuff and now they're in this kind of new routine that is, you know, it is a routine, right? It's not a helpful routine, but it is a routine. Any tips from anyone here on the panel on how can they bring that back?

Yes, Sharon. Well, I think these two questions actually have something in common. We are thinking about, you know, even in the way that we're asking these questions, we're thinking about our behaviors. How do we do something different from how we're doing it? And I think that we often get into trouble when we're just focused on the behavior because the reason that we've been doing it this old way all along is because there's some underlying belief that we hold. And that may be something completely out of our awareness. It might be a subconscious belief that says you don't deserve to feel good or you aren't a good person or if you don't say yes to other people, they won't like you. So, we have all these reasons for doing things the way that we do them. And so, yes, we can talk about how to change our behaviors. But ultimately, I think if we don't really focus on changing the beliefs that are underlying, these are the things that drive our behaviors. So, we kind of are going against the stream. That would be my first stage, is to just hope you change the way that you think about things, the way that you believe about yourself and other people. That's leading you to do things the way that you're doing them. Once we clean that up, then changing the behavior gets a lot easier because we all know what we really need to do. We're just not doing it. That mindset, that mindset indeed.

Right, and I know we each have our own different fields. Some of us do corporate leadership, others…

I do the business side. Some of us do the early life transition side and all these different pieces. But the common thread is the mindset, right? Getting into the mind and beliefs. Did anyone else have anything they want to add? Oh, yes, Dr. Sandra. So yeah, and I was, um, I had the same thought as Sharon that there's a connection between this difficulty turning yourself off, always being focused on work and self-care. And part of that is sometimes we're in an environment, again with the beliefs, where it is suggested that as a woman, as a person of color, as this or that, you're not really allowed to thrive in this environment. Like you're gonna have to go the extra mile, you have to do more, you have to do twice as much to get half as far. So there's a belief there, and there's also a legacy, and they are also often realities in your environment that do hold you back because the beliefs are not always in you, they're in somebody else's head about you, and that person makes decisions. So you may be fighting something that you don't really have control over. So beginning to help you sift that out and see whether or not you're fighting you and shifting beliefs you can shift or you're fighting some other belief that outside of you is an important distinction as well.

And I think very simply we can all end our day by saying where that I take care of me during this day. Just at the end of your day, where did I take care of me during this day? And if there is no place that you took care of you, then we definitely want to begin to help you do at least one thing every day where you say you can end that day and say, "I took care of me today." I was going to add to that too for organizations, people who are trying to help their employees not burn out. Now, listening for some of the signs and symptoms that we've shared can be really helpful to assess the culture. But really being intentional about the way you're connecting to and learning from your employees about how you're creating opportunities for them to take care of themselves or not, how you're managing expectations of being on all the time and responding to things in a timely manner so that, like Dr. Saunders shared, the other side of the coin for those listening who are trying to create healthier cultures at organizations, what can you do to contribute to a healthier environment that helps get rid of that dialogue that you have to, that the only way to succeed and to be a good team player is to sacrifice yourself?

Yeah, and on that piece of team, I'm curious Vanessa, since teams like it's your specialty, um, what like what would you suggest in terms of that teamwork aspect when it comes to burnout? Because it's a huge piece. Like a lot of this is we're talking about that environment, the individual, but that team piece is like a whole other element. That is such a great point, and it starts with the leader. It starts with the leader of that team because at the end of the day, the team members are following what the leader is doing. They're following what they see or they think can be is approved by the leader, what they see or think the leader is doing. And let's say you are the leader, what you're saying to yourself, you know what? Perhaps I work the weekend, but I don't expect my team to work the weekend. Then you've got to say that because guess what? They're going to do, they don't work the weekend. Oh well, this person, the most weekends. I'm worth the weekend too. And like that way

I can get promoted, right? And being acknowledging that as the leader, you do have the power, you have the influence to guide your team in direction so that they can understand that you know what, one of the values that we have is that you're able to work on your own time or one of the values we have is that you only work nine to five or that if you need to put in extra hours, you put in extra hours. If that's your team culture, do you live your life, but having those boundaries, having those expectations, and making them known and communicating those effectively is what will help your team to align with each other even stronger.

Yes, yes indeed. Great question, Audrey. Um, yes, so we are running a few minutes left, so we're gonna wrap up here and I'll pass it off to Audrey as well to close us out. And for those who have any questions, if you're listening to the replay or watching us during the replay, then I encourage you to react and also, you can also comment with your questions. We will be keeping an eye on the comments as well too the next couple of days, so you're welcome to comment if you have any questions come up or reach out to us individually.

Audrey: Yeah, so this is something else that you can if you're watching the replay, you can click on right away is you've had us, you've heard us talk a little bit about, you know, what is the sort of existing paradigm around burnout, but you can also hear that there have been some updates to this model in a lot of ways and that the work culture has changed and work culture is changing. It's like a living breathing entity. And so everybody in here has been working within this living breathing entity of Team space, individual space, organizational space, working with folks to prevent burnout, to talk about burnout, to educate about burnout, and to help people recover from burnout. So this is a group you can bring us into your organization, we can talk about this, we can educate on this, and you can hear how everybody has their own synergy here, but everybody has individual expertise. So there is a link that's going to be dropped in the chat where you can click on it and you can ask us specifically to come talk to your crew or that you can even ask us questions that you want to have us answer in future panels, discussions like this on LinkedIn or maybe there's somebody that you know whose team might really need us. Well, keep it anonymous, but you know, this is something that you can start to recommend, let people know that this is happening, right? That this is available because this is certainly, as you can see, burnout doesn't just magically go away by itself. It's something that needs some sort of outside intervention or education or awareness in order to create a shift. So you can check out the form, fill it out, and even if you're watching the replay, this is going to be available for you at any point, so save that bookmark, that link. So when you're sitting around starting to remember some of the stuff we talked about today, okay, there is, there are people and there are resources available.

Fantastic. Well, this was the burnout panel on decoding the 12 stages of burnout, and the link is in your comments. Join us in 2023 in the new year as we tackle another topic to get you through and on the other side of burnout. Ciao.

5 Ted Lasso Lessons To Use To Create A Healthier Work Culture

The Apple TV+ show, Ted Lasso, will forever hold a most special place in my heart.

I first started watching thanks to the encouragement of my mother. At the time, she was enduring treatment for stage IV non-smokers lung cancer during a global pandemic… so basically, she was trapped at home feeling like garbage and was a prime candidate for both entertainment and some cheer. 😊

She and my brother swiftly ripped through the first season, and every time I would travel to the home I grew up in in Connecticut to take care of and visit her, she’d rewatch episodes she had seen at least twice already so that I could catch up.

Before the second season dropped, our entire family counted down to it with incredible anticipation. When we found out they were only going to release one new episode per week, we were frustrated with the news at first (who doesn’t love to binge their favorite show?!).

It ended up being the most precious gift for us all.

Each week we faced medical complications, side effects, treatments, and often bad news. This show gave us something to look forward to – some light in the darkness that made up those days – and for that I will be eternally grateful.

It’s a great reminder of one of the many lessons the show imparts on its viewers – we all have much more power to create a positive change on the lives of each other than we realize.

Whew! Now that you know the depths of my love for this show, let’s get into some of the other lessons and how they can inspire us to create a healthier workplace.

Lesson 1: We don’t always have to change everything - sometimes listening can be just as impactful

When the legendary Roy Kent finally gives in and seeks out the “Diamond Dogs,” he’s surprised that they don’t offer advice and/or fix his problems. The conversation goes a little like this (after removing his signature expletives!):

Roy: Wait. So sometimes the Diamond Dogs is just chatting about stuff, and no one has to solve anything and nothing changes?

Ted: Sometimes. Yeah.

Roy: That's cool.

It all comes down to the power of connection and mindful listening. Sometimes, your employees and colleagues just want to be heard.

If you’re trying to make changes – big or small – in your organization to create a healthier culture, start from a place of being attuned to employee needs. This makes it much more likely that the changes will not only land well, but will also be impactful.

When it comes to 1-1 conversations, the question “How can I support you?” provides an avenue for this kind of discernment and getting to the root of what people want and need.

Image via GIPHY

Lesson 2: PLAY is powerful

In season 2, Isaac becomes Captain of the team and starts to lose his competitive edge. Roy tricks him into playing a nighttime pick-up football (soccer) match with young players, and there, Isaac remembers that having fun is why he started playing in the first place. When he taps into that innate joy, his performance elevates as well.

This demonstrates how playfulness and joy can impact many areas of our lives. My “The Power of Play” corporate wellness workshop covers how to infuse more joy and perspective into our lives. There is some interesting research on how play helps adults with resiliency, productivity, creativity, problem-solving and more.

When it comes to the workplace, there are two ways to explore integrating this concept:

  1. Can you create more moments for this amongst teams? Some companies try by having foosball tables and axe-throwing events, but referring back to Lesson 1 here, it’s good practice to see what fun means to your employees first

  2. Can you encourage this by creating more room for employees to do it on their own time? Especially if you’ve educated them on the power of play, perhaps creating a yearly “Friday Fun-day” where they have one full or ½ day off. This gift of time could demonstrate how serious a company is about facilitating more joy for their employees    

Image via GIPHY

Lesson 3: Mental health is physical health

That same season, Ted’s panic attacks are made public. He leans in and takes the opportunity to speak with the press about the importance of mental health and reducing the stigma around when people struggle.

This is another big lesson many organizations have learned over the last few years.

With rates of anxiety and depression rising 25% globally over the last 2 years, facilitating a culture where employees feel safe, supported, and able to access the resources they need to restore their mental health is critical.

What support tools does your organization have and how are those communicated to employees? In terms of prevention, what programming and tools are provided to employees to support their physical, mental, and emotional health, as we know they are all connected?

Lesson 4: We can’t control how others act, but we can control how we respond and model the behavior we’d like to see

This lesson is a core tenant in meditation and mindfulness practices, and it plays out on the Ted Lasso screen time and time again.

Ted appears, at times, impervious to the harsh words from AFC Richmond fans and the press. He repeatedly responds to criticism and negative energy with his trademark optimism and one-liners. 

If you’re in a workplace where you’re dealing with a difficult colleague/culture, one way to keep yourself grounded is to embody this mindset.

But what about applying this same notion to create a healthier workplace?

We know by now that company culture is contagious – which is great when it’s a healthy and positive one, and not so beneficial when it’s a culture of burnout and toxicity. Given this, we want to be mindful of what we’re “spreading” and how our behaviors contribute to these cultures.

For leaders, it is even more important, as tone trickles down. For example, let’s take this scenario:

Leaders encourage employees to take their vacation days and really disconnect (to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and aim for more work life harmony), BUT when they themselves are out of the office, they’re still attending meetings and responding to emails.

That mixed message has a powerful impact on an employees' ability to trust that it’s okay to truly disconnect.

If trying to create a healthier workplace, leadership needs to “walk the talk” and be offline, otherwise the status quo will remain. And while we can’t make an employee really disconnect when they’re on vacation, we can model that it’s not only acceptable but encouraged behavior… and that may make all the difference.

Lesson 5: No matter our job title, there is always more to learn and more ways to grow

In Season 1, Ted relied on “kit man” Nate (a colleague typically ignored by many, and in an organizational chart, a “lower-ranked” employee) for an important idea that impacted the whole team. Ted’s ability to not only be open to feedback and ideas from others, but also his active solicitation of it is a great example to follow.

A healthy workplace is one where we recognize that all people can add value, not just the highest ranked employees.

Whether formally, through things like 360 reviews, or informally, through the way we treat one another in everyday interactions, how does your organization embody this simple yet powerful principle?

I hope these Lasso Lessons inspire you to explore ways you can integrate more wellness into your workday to create a culture where employees feel valued.

Want to learn more about how I support companies in creating wellness programming with this mission in mind?

Reach out for a complimentary consultation and let’s talk more.

Image via GIPHY

Finally, as a parting bonus, if you like to listen to music while you’re working, here’s a playlist I made from the soundtracks of both seasons. The songs are mostly instrumental, and the overall energy of the playlist is relaxed. Cheers!

Practicing Yoga at Home? Try these Simple Neck Streches

April was Stress Awareness month, and May is Mental Health Awareness month. They're beyond connected, of course, and being in a chronically stressed state has a negative impact on our mental health.

The first step to addressing both of these is awareness- when we understand how we're feeling (mind and body) and what our stressors are, we can then take action.

One element we can become more aware of is where we hold stress in our physical bodies. For many, it's often in our jaw, neck, and upper back.

My invitation for you is to
1) take a few breaths and a moment for yourself today... where do you notice stress manifesting in your body?
2) Try this release and see how you feel!

If you’re curious about learning more of the science behind how our bodies hold onto our emotions, there is a fascinating book called The Body Keeps the Score. It’s certainly not a light read, but can help illuminate how these two things are connected and what we can do with our bodies to help move our emotions.

In the book Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, the Nagoski sisters walk through this concept in detail as well. It’s a favorite book of mine and I adore their voices and the very simple yet evidence-based and practical strategies they share to release phsyiological stress from our bodies, freeing our minds in the process. The strategies are summarized in the link above.

They highlight movement as one of the most efficient and effective ways to do just this - so that’s my final nudge for you to explore this stretch and any other form of movement that feels good to you!

Feeling Some Burnout? Try this Breathwork as a Morning Meditation

This breathing exercise has been a favorite of mine ever since Boston yoga instructor David Magone first introduced me to it back in 2012… a casual 10 years ago 😊

There are variations for the flow and hand positions, but the gist is the same: alternating breathing out of one nostril at a time.

I have found that even when I’m teaching it, I feel calmer after only a few cycles, so I’m not surprised that there is research to support the benefits this has on our nervous systems (check out PubMed to see some).

I find when I’m teaching corporate wellness workshops to help address employee burnout, breathing exercises seem to be the most popular and can sometimes be less intimidating when people are coming to the session without an existing mindfulness practice.

Breathwork IS a form of meditation!

When people experience the physiological benefits that come with the specific breathing practice at hand, those positive feelings and impact can motivate them to come back and do more.

As with any habit, feeling that reward makes it much more likely to be something you repeat!

If you’d like to pair this with music, here’s a link to a meditation music playlist I created.

Anyone else a Nadi Shodhana fan?

Or if you’ve never done it, let me know how it feels if you try it out!

5 Things You Need To Do When Planning Your Corporate Wellness Programs

If you work in HR or are on the wellness committee at your organization, how do you approach planning your wellness offerings?

After partnering with a wide range of players in this space, from startups with small budgets to global companies with more resources at their fingertips, I’ve found the following best practices help employees feel seen and supported by these programs:

1) Poll your people!

It may sound obvious, but a lot of times this doesn’t happen due to time/resource constraints. Even if you can’t collate info from a huge group, ensuring the opinions are heard from a few disparate teams can make a huge difference.

Aside from more formalized polling, utilizing mindful listening during all times of the year (vs. just during the planning period) can help flesh out some recurring themes of what employees are struggling with and where they could use more support.

2) Anticipate challenging times

Of course, we can never anticipate everything. But, if there is a period with greater challenges coming (examples: an annual “busy” season, a major organizational change) and offer programs beforehand to help employees move into that time feeling more refreshed vs already fried.

Not possible? Providing wellness tools after the fact and honoring the struggle of that specific season can increase engagement. Sessions offered when employees are “in it” may have less participation.

3) Accomodate time zones and learning styles

Offer the same program multiple times to enable multiple time zones to be accommodated. This simple strategy is powerful – honoring the times that work for teams in other countries can help them feel valued.

Bonus- these tend to create smaller groups in each session, which lends itself to greater participation because the group feels more intimate.

Not a global company? Noting the needs of different learning styles in this same way can have the same impact (more breakout rooms if there are more introverts in the session, for example).

4) Take a holistic approach

Of course this all depends on your budget, but if possible, looking at well-being from a holistic and whole-person centered approach tends to help more employees feel catered to in the offerings. In the book Burnout by Amelia and Emily Nagoski, they say “wellness is a state of action” and I adore this mindset.

Since there is no single answer to a healthier mind and body, consider thinking about all of the different pillars of health and creating programs to support each – mental, physical, emotional, financial, spiritual. Some people may have their movement down and not want any step challenges or office yoga, while others may benefit from those nudges to be more physically active.

One company I’ve partnered with for 5 years now breaks each quarter into a wellness theme and then creates programming that aligns with those themes. We typically meet each January and based on those, I create workshops/events that touch on the topics they’ve deemed most pressing for their people.

5) Quality over quantity

Short can be sweet – while there is power in longer programming, attention spans have dwindled in the last few years. Consider breaking a big topic down into micro-sessions to allow for easier scheduling and digestion of information.

Seasoned planning professionals, what have I left out?

If you’re an employee participating in wellness workshops, what is something your employer does that makes you feel supported?

As always, I’m here for complimentary consultations if you’d like to discuss your employee wellness needs. Happy planning!


How to Stress Less and Sleep More

Have you ever experienced this vicious cycle? It goes like this:

boston corporate wellness

You're stressed out, so you have trouble sleeping, but then because you're not getting enough sleep, you feel more stressed. When you get up, after hitting the snooze button a few times and only being resuscitated by a caffeinated beverage, you still feel like a shell of yourself.

You know that 3pm coffee isn't going to help your head when it hits the pillow, but it seems like the only way you're going to make it through that afternoon meeting. So the cycle continues...

Learn how to break that cycle and restore your energy.

My signature wellness workshop “Stress Less, Sleep More” focuses on stress and sleep, and the impact both have on our health and job performance. I teach participants how to take make lasting changes no matter what life looks like or how busy they are. With these simple but effective tools, they can get back to feeling like their best selves.

If you’d like this offered where you work, reach out for a complimentary consultation to learn more about how to support your own efforts to get your energy, and life, back. 

In the meantime, here is a 15-minute guided meditation to get yourself back to a calmer state - you can even use this if you have trouble falling back to sleep. Sweet dreams!

Are You Making Career Choices With Courage?

The first of a new monthly series called "Courageous Career Choices" is done! I'm interviewing people from all industries, both entrepreneurs and employees, who have made intentional decisions (not just major career changes) to do work that's aligned with their values. 

The goal is to to inspire you if you're curious about:

  • the impact that our work can have on our health

  • what makes people move from thinking about leaving their jobs to actually taking action

  • how to manage stress and prioritize wellness when in a big transition (or simply in your everyday life!)

The first interview was with Jen of Wander Free Wellness. You can watch here (just skip to the 1 minute 30 second mark to ignore the tech trouble!) or head to the Facebook  page if you want to leave a comment or question. The next three months are scheduled and in the events section there so you can RSVP to receive a reminder when we're going live! I truly hope you enjoy this series.

Are You Making Career Choices With Courage? In this episode on the Courageous Career Choices podcast, I’m interviewing Jen where we’ll talk about the impact that our work can have on our health, what makes people move from thinking about leaving the…

6 Ways Yoga Can Help You Reach Your Career Goals

Pure Style Photography

Pure Style Photography

What does yoga have to do with your performance at work? Can nailing a headstand get you that promotion? It may sound strange at first listen, but there are a few ways yoga may help you excel on the job.

1)  Mental Clarity

Every time you step on your mat, your practice is different, even if you’re moving through the same sequence. From frequent mindset shifts to our bodies feeling differently every day, our perspective is never exactly the same.

We have to learn to meet ourselves where we are, and to check in with what’s real and what we truly need versus what we expect or think we “should” need/feel. Once we’re more in tune with this skill, it can be applied to life off of the mat. We can use this as a tool to decipher what we really want in our work – if it’s a promotion, what are we craving? If it’s a change in paths, what are the sources of dissatisfaction?

The more deliberate way of harnessing/developing this self-understanding is through the meditation within a practice (or that you do on your own). Asana, or the physical movement of yoga, was traditionally created to prepare the body for meditation, enabling you to be more comfortable sitting in stillness. Meditation teaches us how to notice when we may be stuck in a cycle of self-limiting thoughts. In some forms of meditation, we’re encouraged to notice our thoughts as they arise and redirect our attention elsewhere. When we do that, we take some of the power away from those thoughts.

We learn how to change the channel, and can recognize when we’re being unkind to ourselves or starting to believe our thoughts instead of experience. We can redirect our energy to something more productive. For example, imagine consistently telling yourself you’re “not as good as ________” (insert colleague name) or underserving of being rewarded and praised for your work, when those thoughts have no basis in reality. By building awareness of when these thoughts arise, you can then shift the energy away from feeding them, perhaps to a positive, empowering mantra like: “I am worthy. I am skilled. I am enough.”

2) Goal Setting

Many yoga classes start off by encouraging students to set an intention for the practice. This serves as a guiding framework for your thoughts and energy; it’s a simple focal point. This intention setting, working to keep it front of mind, and directing your energy towards it is analogous to goal setting in your career. Many people only set career-related goals 1-2 times/year (January 1st and during performance reviews, perhaps?!). Developing a way of checking in with yourself, or breaking large goals down into smaller intentions, can set you up for greater success and increase your motivation to keep this front of mind.

Pure Style Photography

Pure Style Photography

3) Keeping Calm

I once read that “Yoga without breathing is just stretching” and think it’s important to point this out. “Awareness of breath and synchronizing breath and movement is what makes yoga, yoga; and not gymnastics or any other physical practice.” (source) That resource describes how this breathing has physical, emotional, and biological impacts. To focus on one, deep belly breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system. Simply put, it helps our bodies relax and stop operating in a state of stress. As you can imagine, having the ability to remain calm can be incredibly useful in the workplace!

Managing difficult coworkers or clients, dealing with a stressful situation or approaching a deadline can all feel a bit differently when you tap into the power of your breath. In a culture where many outwardly exude high stress, you can stand out from your peers.

4) Developing Self-Awareness

There’s an assumption that if you’re flexible, you’re automatically skilled at yoga… but that’s not what it’s about and even bendy people need to be mindful. If not, they can hyperextend, injure themselves, and/or lose the mind-body connection which is integral to the practice. The movement requires both self-reflection and, perhaps most importantly, self-compassion. From cold weather to travel to stress, your body can show up differently each time regardless of your skill level, and you have to be comfortable listening to what you need in that exact moment and not pushing yourself beyond your limitations. Not all bodies can do all poses, just as at work, very few (if any) individuals are a master of all skills. In both situations, we must pause, notice our strengths, and build upon those instead of forcing it where we’re less gifted. Just as forcing a pose can lead to injury, forcing a skill you just don’t enjoy can lead to burnout.

5) Feeling Energized  

A big focus on my work is to help clients restore their energy through making changes to their work and/or lifestyle habits. I’ve discussed other ways to increase productivity, and touched on movement in that post, but it deserves another shout out. When doing inversions, you’re literally shifting your perspective. You can also achieve a similar mindset shift by taking a break and just moving your body. If you’re frustrated on the job, this physical practice helps you release endorphins, your “feel good” chemicals, so you can clear your brain and approach your work with new energy.

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures, new directions to grow in, and new lessons to learn — which is what life is all about.” Oprah Winfrey

6) Building Confidence

Doing yoga poses all around Boston in front of people definitely required confidence! (Photo by Pure Style Photography)

Doing yoga poses all around Boston in front of people definitely required confidence! (Photo by Pure Style Photography)

Lastly, when we’re consistent with a yoga practice, we notice progress. Maybe we can do more chaturanga push-ups without taking a break. Perhaps that elusive arm balance that once seemed impossible is now in your arsenal. Or it may simply be the ability to stop running through your to-do list and focus on your breathing (easier said than done!). Whatever the change, this growth can help you build confidence in yourself. That confidence can be contagious and spread to other areas of your life, including at work. From asking for a raise to deciding to change careers, believing in yourself is key. Keeping your spirits high and having faith in yourself is particularly useful if you don’t feel valued at your company or if you’re not hearing back from employers when job searching.

Not a yogi? You can reap some of these benefits through other forms of movement. From spinning to weight lifting, this same sensation of accomplishment and pride can be present.

Whether it’s through yoga or not, how can you create more space in your life to do more of what will propel you forward towards reaching your personal and professional goals?

Want to have more energy and confidence when it comes to your career? Can nailing a headstand get you that promotion? There are a few ways yoga may help you excel on the job. Here are 6 ways yoga can help you reach your career goals! Repin and grab …

Slow Down to Up Your Productivity

Do you ever notice that some of your clearest or most creative thinking happens in the moments you least expect it? Perhaps in the shower or right as you’re falling asleep?

In our society, we’re taught to “suck it up” or “power through” to get to these thoughts. If you’re stumped on a problem or have writer’s block, the common solution that’s encouraged is chugging coffee or chaining yourself to your desk until all hours of the night until something changes.

This is completely counterintuitive and science shows it’s actually the most inefficient way to achieve your objectives.

Here’s the scoop:

To begin, it’s important to know that our brains can’t actually multi-task well (a select handful of us do have the capacity, but it’s certainly not the majority).

Many of us think we’re too busy, but research proves that we need breaks to boost productivity. Here’s one of the most interesting aspects of the science behind this:

Our brains have two modes: the “focused mode,” which we use when we’re doing things like learning something new, writing or working) and “diffuse mode,” which is our more relaxed, daydreamy mode when we’re not thinking so hard… Some studies have shown that the mind solves its stickiest problems while daydreaming… Breakthroughs that seem to come out of nowhere are often the product of diffuse mode thinking.

That’s because the relaxation associated with daydream mode “can allow the brain to hook up and return valuable insights,” engineering professor Barbara Oakley explained. “When you’re focusing, you’re actually blocking your access to the diffuse mode. And the diffuse mode, it turns out, is what you often need to be able to solve a very difficult, new problem. (source)

Who knew Buster was actually helping my productivity?! Photo by Pure Style Photography

Who knew Buster was actually helping my productivity?! Photo by Pure Style Photography

So, if you grab a glimpse of puppies on Instagram or sneak a few seconds of that funny video your friends sent in a group text, you’re actually doing your brain a favor! Now that you know the science behind it, here are some ideas for how to break up your day in a realistic way.  

Ideas for action:

Look at your calendar the night before (if your schedule is more predictable, you can book these breaks out farther in advance).

Assess where there’s room for some time away from work or time to do something that feels like a break but is still work. Some ideas:

  • Take a workout class or if time is limited a quick walk (I’ve had clients go to the stairwell and just do a few flights!). You can also move and stretch in the office with these tips.

  • Have lunch outside of the office (even if this means bringing your lunch and simply eating somewhere that’s not your desk).

  • Walk somewhere a bit farther than the office kitchen/cafe to grab coffee/tea/kombucha/a snack (good brain foods).

  • Simply move to a different space such as a conference room or a coffee shop to change the scenery.

  • Set an alarm on your phone, a reminder on your calendar, or have Fitbit nudge you to take breaks and to breathe! Speaking of, deep breathing can be a break in and of itself (and easily accessible to all). There are a handful of techniques here and more on the 4-7-8 breath style for productivity here.  

  • Do a quick 2-minute meditation, or just sit in stillness as an easy option. If you’d rather move, I shared some gentle stretches you can do in your office to counteract computer/phone use.

Time Management Tips:

If you’re rewarding yourself with social media during a break, I recommend setting an alarm. It’s easy for it to be a “time-suck” so I typically set my phone alarm for 10 minutes and I’m always amazed how quickly that goes by!

Some research shows we have more capacity for creative thinking and productivity in the morning before decision fatigue sets in. The more you can automate your mornings (have clothes picked out, breakfast decided upon, lunch packed, train times picked, etc.) the more energy you’ll have later. There’s also an activity called “morning pages” if you want to do some thoughtful self-exploration. This can be especially useful if you’re thinking of making a big change, or are in the midst of change already.

Now that you know more of the science behind it, can you be kinder to yourself for craving these pauses in your work day?

How can you incorporate some of these productivity practices?

If you’re already doing them, what are your favorite ways to take a break when you’re feeling stumped or stuck? I’d love to know!