Have you been looking for a new job, but not getting the kind of traction or results you want?
Take a breath. I’m here to help you.
Talk to anyone else trying to land work they love and you'll hear the same things: they're confused about where to start, how to spend their time, and why they're not hearing back.
You wonder:
What do employers want to hear?
Are cover letters still a thing?
How can I fit a time-consuming job search into my busy life?
Instead of having these worries and fears, imagine feeling empowered and confident about the steps you're taking and how you're presenting yourself to employers.
Picture yourself knowing exactly how to spend your energy effectively and gaining momentum towards achieving your goals. Envision a framework that not only provides time for self-care, but also encourages it and gives you tips and strategies on how to incorporate it into your process.
Over the past 15 years I have worked one-on-one with thousands of people to do exactly this.
The job search process can often feel intimidating and unstructured.
I’m incredibly passionate about helping people identify concrete goals, create structure, and move towards achieving career satisfaction WITHOUT sacrificing their health and sanity in the process.
When you’re in a job that's out of alignment with what you truly want, it can lead to feeling burnt out and drained of energy. It’s important to address the stress that comes from showing up each week and not using the skills you want or being in an organization that isn't the right fit: your job search doesn't happen in a vacuum and these are important influences. I keep all of this in mind and take this holistic approach when helping my clients.
Many times, making changes in our professional lives can fall to the bottom of the to-do list repeatedly. Sometimes this happens because people are busy, and other times it's because the process seems too daunting. Working together, we can implement a realistic goal-oriented approach to move you from feeling stuck to feeling real momentum in your job search.
You may be thinking… “This sounds great but… what does it look like to work with a career coach in real life?!”
No matter where you are on your journey, we start with a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation. This will help us ensure we're a good fit and that any questions you may have about the process are answered before moving forward. Packages start at $400.
If we move forward together, you’ll get: