Free Career Resources

My mission is to help exhausted professionals restore their energy, feel like their best selves, and do what they love.

This mission permeates each area of my business. Whether it's supporting someone in making lifestyle changes to improve their health, or guiding someone through the challenges of a job search to land a role that's a better fit, I have a passion for helping people go from overwhelmed to confident and able to take action.

No matter what your goals are, I hope these guides and related posts I've written help you to feel the same way!  

boston career coach

Cover Letter Writing Guide

Want to learn how to write effective cover letters and feel less frustrated in the process? This guide breaks down the common frustrations that come with cover letters (What's the point of them? What info do I include? How long should it be? How do I start?!) and give you tools to cut through writer's block.

I now use Aileen’s “Cover Letter Writing Guide” every time I write a cover letter, and its the single best resource I’ve found in my job searching process. Honestly, she has unlocked the mystery for me in cover letter writing and more importantly, how to decipher a job description so you can really understand what the potential employer is looking for. Its like magic but way simpler! - Amanda, previous client

boston career coach

Interviewing Guide

"Tell me about yourself" and "What's a weakness of yours?" bring many interviewees into panic mode. Learn what information employers are actually looking to hear when they ask these questions, along with a simple but often forgotten tactic to nailing an interview.

The HR rep said he's been interviewing people for 15 years and I was the most prepared candidate he had ever interviewed! - Sheila, previous client


Additional Career Support

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom - Aristotle

Self Assessment Guide

When evaluating career paths, it can be tempting to look everywhere but inside of yourself for the answers.

If you’re asking “What career path should I pursue?” and want the world to curate an answer that’s specifically relevant to you, you'll likely be disappointed. Searching in this broad, unfocused, and generic manner will make you extremely overwhelmed, as occupational options are endless. 

You know yourself better than anyone else. Use the tools in this 20-page guide to get better clarity on your values, interests, personality, and skills, and how those align with potential career paths. This resource also includes tools for conducting research on fields and how to create an action plan to move forward. The cost of all assessments used in the guide is included in this price.